13 Excellent Health Benefits of Cardamom Oil
13 Ways to Use the Oil of Cardamom:
1 - It is used as a flavoring agent in, tea, beverages, biryanis meat curries, desserts, and confectionery.
2 - Due to the presence of Linalyl acetate in cardamom oil, it gives relief from stress, depression and anxiety.
3 -Cardamom oil is popularly used for its aroma in mouth fresheners, perfumery, chewing gums, soaps, and cosmetics.
4 -Due to the presence of 1,8-cineole in Cardamom oil, it is very effective in treating respiratory and muscular spasms, and gives relief from muscle pulls, cramps, whooping cough, and asthma.
5 -Cardamom oil made by AOS Products stimulates the secretion of various hormones and enzymes, gastric juices, peristaltic motion, circulation, and excretion, thus controlling proper metabolic action of the body.
6 -Cardamom oil has a warming effect, it heats up the whole body, it promotes sweating, helps clear congestion and coughs and cold.
7 -Due to the presence of Terpinyl acetate in Cardamom oil, it is used in various medicinal preparations, digestion ailments, cough tonics, and aromatherapy.
8 -Cardamom oil treats sexual weakness such as erectile dysfunctions, loss of libido, impotence, and frigidity.
9 - Due to the presence of terpinyl acetate in Cardamom oil, it has diuretic and sedative properties. It is used to treat hypertension and epilepsy.
10 -Cardamom is used by many Singers because it is good for the vocal cords and improves the voice.
11 -Cardamom is used for preventing blood platelet clumping.
12 -Cardamom oil is a powerful flavoring and aromatic agent.
13 -Due to the presence of sabinene in cardamom oil, it is responsible for both the antibacterial and antiseptic behaviors of the oil.
Know Main Chemical Components of Cardamom Oil
Pure oil of Cardamom is derived by cold pressed from the seeds of cardamom. The oil has many health benefits and it can be a vital component of overall health.
Main constituents of its essential oils are limonene, sabinene, terpinene, nerol, geraniol, eugenol, linalool, nerolidol, beta Terpineol heptane, borneol, alpha-terpineol,terpinyl Acetate, alpha-Pinene, myrcene, cymene, neryl acetate, methyl heptenone, linalyl acetate, and heptacosane cineol. Cardamom oil is used to treat venereal disease, piles, kidney& bladder stones, skin rashes, etc.
The Cardamom oil is also used for its many therapeutic properties i.e.Due to the presence of 1,8-cineole in Cardamom oil is very effective in treating respiratory and muscular spasms, gives relief from muscle pulls and cramps, whooping cough, and asthma. Due to the presence of terpinyl acetate in Cardamom oil, it has diuretic and sedative properties; it is used to treat hypertension and epilepsy.
Due to the presence of terpinyl acetate in Cardamom oil, We AOS products Manufacture 100% Pure and Natural Oil and Supply it to use in various medicinal preparations, digestion ailments, cough tonics, Aromatherapy. Due to the presence of linalyl acetate in cardamom oil; it gives relief from stress, depression, and anxiety. Due to the presence of sabinene in cardamom oil, it is responsible for both the antibacterial and antiseptic behaviors of the oil.
You Should Know Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil
Know, What Are the Different Types of Cardamom?
There are two classifications of the seed of cardamom; green cardamom and black cardamom
Green cardamom, also called as true cardamom, is a common variety of cardamom spreads from India to Malaysia.
- -It is used to give flavor to both savory and sweet dishes.
- -It is also used in curries and milk-based products for its fragrance and taste.
- -It is also used in tea and coffee for flavor.
Black cardamom, is cultivated in Eastern Nepal, Sikkim, and parts of West Bengal in India. It is native to the Eastern Himalayas, and it is brown in color and slightly elongated in shape.
-it is used as an essential ingredient in Garam Masala, which is also called a mixture of spices.
-The black cardamom is full of black seeds that have medicinal value.
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