Know About Pure Oil for Babies Health - Benefits and Brands to Trust
Is Olive Oil Safe for Babies?:
Olive oil is great for babies, olive oil contains fats and vitamin K and E, it is full of antioxidants, which helps to rejuvenate the skin. It is a great oil, we can use for baby massage, it makes the skin soft and smooth while massaging mixed water with olive oil, it helps in the regeneration of skin and makes the skin toned. Due to the presence of oleic acid in olive oil, it makes the bone and muscles strong. It moisturizes the baby's skin well. Olive oil soothe the baby rashes and diaper rashes, simply add one tablespoon of water and two tablespoons of olive oil. It is also good for babies’ food, it helps in maintaining pancreas and kidney function, it also helps in constipation of babies, massages the warm olive oil on stomach. It works as laxative for curing constipation and bloating.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Using Coconut Oil for Babies
By: Romita P
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Which Oil is Best for Babies?
Massaging the body helps in weight gain, relaxing the body, for better sleep, and helps in decreasing stress and colic. Massaging the body releases the hormone oxytocin which makes the baby feel good and connected to you. We can use almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and mustard oil for baby massage.
1- Almond oil:
It is also called Badam oil, it is rich in vitamin E, and it has antioxidant properties which makes the bay skin soft and smooth.
2- Olive oil:
It is also amazing oil for babies, it is rich in fatty acid and vitamin E and K, which makes the skin smooth and soft. It also helps to rejuvenate the skin.
3- Coconut oil:
It also helps to moisture the skin, due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties it helps to prevent skin infection and it also does not have any side effect.
4- Mustard oil:
Mustard oil has been used since a long time now. The oil has a traditional value. It helps to prevent skin infection. It also good for baby hair.
5- It is also used for baby massage, it is recommended by the doctor for babies with eczema, it helps to heal the skin due to high vitamin E. It nourishes the skin and helps in diaper rashes also.
You may learn about of wheat Germ oil

Where do you put Lavender Oil on Children that Relax and Soothe the baby Body
Lavender oil is used to calm down the baby, it can be added to the bathwater, and the oil comes in direct contact with the skin of the baby. It also has a sedative and calming effect. It promotes sleep, and massage with lavender oil helps to relax a fussy baby. It also helps to reduce the inflammation due to insect bites and helps to reduce itchiness. It also gives relief from colic pain, simply massaging a few drops of oil on the baby's stomach can help with skin rashes, reduce fever and congestion, and it also boost the kid's mood and emotions. Lavender oil is completely safe for children's. It also helps in teething troubles and gives relief from pain and sprains.
1- Lavender oil helps in calming the child, it reduces anxiety and irritability.
2- It also helps in healing wounds and small cuts.
3- It also helps in colic pain, while massaging with lavender oil. A warm lavender oil bath can also help relax and soothe colicky infants.
4- Lavender oil also helps in the blocked stuffy nose.
5- It also treats Diaper rash and skin rash.
6- It also helps to treat earache, mix 2 tablespoons of carrier oil with 3 to 4 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Mix all the ingredients well. Put a few drops on a cotton ball and place them on the surface of the ear.
7- It also helps in reducing fever, dilutes 1 to 2 drops of lavender oil with a carrier oil, and applies on the neck, feet, and back. It helps to reduce the high temperature.
8- Lavender oil also prevents mosquito bites, bug bites, and itchy skin.
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