About Frankincense Oil

About Frankincense Oil
Posted on 2022-04-04

What is Frankincense Essential Oil Good For

It is called as a king of essential oil, it has wide variety of uses and health benefits. It has the quality to beautify the skin and rejuvenate the skin also. The oil is obtained from the dried and distilled resin of the frankincense tree, it is native to Africa and the middle east.
1• It is used in aromatherapy for its calming effect, it reduces anxiety and stress and induces sleep.
2• It also stimulates the immune system.
3• It is also used to treat the cancer; frankincense oil has the properties to fight against cancer cell. It stimulates our immune system and prevents breast cancer and prostate cancer.
4• It is also useful in osteoarthritis, it helps to treat the knees and joint pain by reducing the inflammation associated with it.
5• frankincense oil has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which act as an astringent and treat many skin problems such as acne and small cuts and wounds.
6• Due to its antiseptic properties, it is also used in household cleaning products.
7• Due to the presence of farnesol in frankincense oil, it increases skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles.
8• Due to the presence of Borneolin frankincense oil, it works as an anesthetic, anti-spasmodic, and sedative.
9• Due to the presence of Pinene in frankincense oil, it gives strength to the respiratory system.
10• Due to the presence of Limonene in frankincense oil, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property, which makes the immune system strong and rejuvenate the skin.
11• It is also used to treat chronic asthma. Due to its anti-inflammation properties it reduces the inflammation in respiratory tract and treat bronchial infection.

The Health Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil
By:Cathy Wong
View at: https://www.verywellhealth.com/frankincense-essential-oil-what-you-should-know-88778

Is Frankincense Essential Oil Good for Your Face?

âž  Yes, it is amazing for the skin. It reduces the stretch marks, and wrinkles.
âž  It tones the skin and prevents aging.
âž  It rejuvenates the skin and promotes the growth of cells. It has natural astringent properties which reduce acne and tighten the skin.
âž  It also works as a skin conditioner; it makes your skin soft and smooth.
âž  It also fades the acne and surgery marks and stretch marks.
âž  It helps to regenerate the skin cell. Frankincense oil has disinfectant properties; it is used to clean the wounds and cuts.
âž  It is also used to treat warts. It also reduces the swelling due to insect bites.

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How to Use Frankincense Oil?

âž¼To sooth the skin:
You can directly apply the oil on skin or can be mixed with carrier oil before applying it sooth your skin and makes the skin silky soft.
âž¼ To give massage:
For body massage mix few drops of frankincense oil with coconut oil, it creates the aromatic massage oil (such as Almond oil, Jojoba oil and more), which gives relief from stress and anxiety.
âž¼ For aroma therapy:
You can also diffuse few drops of frankincense oil for aroma therapy. It calms down your body and increase concentration. You need to apply the oil near your wrists and neck.
âž¼ For moisturizing skin:
It moisturizes the skin and dry parts of your body like elbow, hands, it gives soothing sensation to skin.
âž¼ For nail care:
Place one or two drops of frankincense oil into your nails and rub in circulation motion.it improves the appearance of healthy looking hands.
âž¼ For skin care:
Add few drops of frankincense oil to your daily moisture, it has cleansing properties, it makes the skin clean and improves glowing complexion.
âž¼ For foot care:
You can add few drops of frankincense oil to a water of foot bath. It makes the feet soft and the refreshing aroma of the oil also relax you.

IS frankincense essential oil good for your hairs?
Frankincense essential oil is amazing for hairs, it also cures dandruff, it provides the moisture to the skin of scalp. It gives shine to the hairs. It stops the hair fall by making the hairs root strong. Frankincense oil contains vitamin E, which gives shine to hairs and slow down hair loss process. Vitamin E present in frankincense oil helps in growth of hair follicles.

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