All About Fenugreek Seed Oil, Uses, Benefits and How to Make
Fenugreek Oil: Benefits and Uses for Healthy Hair & Skin
Fenugreek is naturally a multi-purpose herb. There are many popular communities from Western Asia and therefore the Mediterranean has used fenugreek for thousands of years to flavor food, improve health, and soothe skin maladies. In additional recent years, fenugreek has gained global popularity as an herbal supplement with a spread of health benefits.
While fenugreek has many promising applications, not all of its uses have yet been protected by rigorous scientific examination. This guide will tell you which of Fenugreek's health benefits are supported by evidence, and which of them remains more folklore than fact. Read on to find out what fenugreek is, what it does within the body, and where you'll buy fenugreek to undertake it for yourself. This Essential oil of Fenugreek is extracted from the seeds of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) of the Fabaceae family.
AOS Fenugreek is an annual and leguminous herb. Both the seeds & leaves of the fenugreek plant have been used as food and medicine since traditional times. It has erect and smooth stems with alternatively placed leaves, white to yellowish flowers, and greenish-brown seeds. The plant helps in the atmospheric organic process, which enriches the soil.
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Know History and Revitalizing benefits of Fenugreek Oil
History of Fenugreek Oil:
The use of fenugreek dates back to around 4000 BC. The name Trigonella foenum-graecum comes from Latin, which suggests "Greek hay" because people in those days used it as cattle fodder. Fenugreek has been a part of Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine for a long time. Historically, Fenugreek was used mostly for therapeutic purposes. It is one of the most commonly used spices and is even a moment home remedy for various health issues.
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Revitalizing Benefits of fenugreek Oil:It relieves bloating, and flatulence, and eases abdominal pain. It works as a Calmative e.g. Sedative and a relaxing agent. It works as Cicatrizing meaning, it prevents the formation of scars. It works as a Circulatory meaning it promotes healthy blood flow. It works as a decongestant because it reduces congestion. It functions as depurative meaning you'll apply it as Detoxifier and cleanser. Apply fenugreek oil as digestive meaning Aids during healthy digestion.

Fenugreek Oil Why Choose Us and Where to Buy Online
If you are thinking about pure Fenugreek oil that is where you want to buy it. The first thing about "AOS", is we are ISO 9001-2015, GMP and HACCP, and a HALAL-accredited Company in India. We offer high-quality fenugreek oil via the brand name AOS and at a unique price in India. Get fenugreek oil near you like Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Jaipur, Pune, Lucknow, etc with prompt delivery service.
How do you make AOS Fenugreek Oil from Seeds? Visit our factory and learn with us. In India, this fenugreek oil is also known as Methi ka tel in Hindi. So don't go anywhere to shop for Fenugreek oil or any type of Essential Oils.
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