Know All About Mentha Spicata Oil, Uses, Benefits and More
It is an oil with a mint aroma extracted from spearmint (mentha spicata) leaves. commonly used as an ingredient to add flavor and fragrance in oral care products like toothpaste, Vicks inhalers, and tablets, mouth fresheners. Mentha spicata’s also known by the name Garden Mint, Mentha Virdis herb native to Asia and Europe. They are perennial plants that grow up to 100 cm.
Highly aromatic leaves of mentha spicata steamed to extract the oil that has many uses. It consists of low menthol and menthone as compared to peppermint oil.
Scientific name (Latin Name): Mentha Spicata
Other Name you can also know: are Spearmint leaf oil, and Mentha viridis leaf oil.
Method of extraction: steam distillation
Components: alpha pinene, beta pinene, Carvone, D limonene.
Used to aid
Digestion, nausea, vomiting, inflammation, headaches, respiratory conditions.
Blends with
Rosemary oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, and bergamot oil.
- it has calming properties to soothe upset stomachs.
- Aid common cold symptoms, it has menthol content that works as an aromatic decongestant to break mucus, used in vapor rubs, and ointments.
- Used to uplift the mood.
- Antioxidants found in mentha spicata repair skin damage caused because of free radicals,
- Freshen your breath.
- Promote relaxation if an edible mentha spicata oil is added to a tea.
- Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it effective in treating skin conditions like acne.
- Reduce anxiety and stress.
- Boost the immune system.
- Due to antiseptic properties it is helpful in wound healing.
To know more about mentha spicata visit @
Appearance: pale yellow to greenish yellow.
• How to use AOS mentha spicata oil
• Skin application, dilute with carrier oil and apply to the affected area.
• Add 5 drops to the diffuser of your choice.
• Add 1 drop to 50 ml. drinking water. make sure the oil is edible.
Mentha Spicata’ is Available in International Market in the Numerous Form:-
- supplements, to treat various health conditions, mentha spicata extract is available in powder and capsule form. also used in cooking to add flavor.
- As mentha spicata oil or spearmint oil, used to ease pain. you can rub it on the skin but before application, dilute it with carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil.
How you can use mentha spicata oil:
• In aromatherapy, use in diffuser to fill your space with a calming fragrance, it helps in stress relief, and improves concentration.
• Topical use, to soothe irritated skin, relax sore muscles, and ease headaches mix with a carrier oil to apply on the skin.
• Inhalation, to get instant relief apply a drop on the wrist or neck for a calming effect or inhale directly from the bottle.
• For hairs, take 4-5 drops of mentha spicata with 1 tbsp. coconut oil or almond oil, mix both the oils then gently massage on your scalp.
• For the face, take a few drops with 1 tbsp jojoba oil, mix both the oil take a small amount of mixture on your palm and gently massage in a circular motion.
• For joint pain or arthritis, take 5-6 drops with 1 tbsp. of carrier oil like coconut oil the massage with the mixture on your joints.
Mentha spicata has medicinal properties that treat joint pain, upset stomach, hormonal imbalance
A skin test is recommended as in some cases it can cause irritation.
- Always dilute before skin application.
- Essential oils are strong and potent and evaporate quickly so always store them away from the reach of your kids.

Why to Choose Us to Purchase Mentha Spicata Oil:-
AOS collects raw materials and delivers 100% high-quality branded products to your place. Our products are government-certified and of standard quality.
- In bulk quantities, we serve natural oils like essential, carrier, spice, and natural butter.
- You can directly buy @ or we are available at online shopping apps like Amazon, flip kart eBay.
About AOS, an owned natural oils company specializing in sourcing natural oils from nature. we are a huge brand of natural oils with various varieties like essential oils, carrier oils, natural butter, and aloe Vera gel.