Glow Up Naturally: Remedies for Moles, Blackheads & Age Spots
Blackheads, moles, dark spots, and age spots are the different names of age-related skin issues. They only show that you are getting old day by day. it is a natural process of nature we cannot control this but we can delay the aging process with the help of natural oils.
What are age spots?:
Also called liver spots, look black and gray on the outer layer of the skin they are part of the aging process that makes you look older day by day best way to treat them is natural remedies like “essential oils “and carrier oils.
Reasons behind getting old or age spots
• Sun damage
• Excess of melanin that changes skin color.
As we learn about what are the age spots and the reason behind them now it’s important to think about the natural remedies to cure this.
These are some natural oils for treating moles, blackheads, and age spots.
Tea tree oil, you can directly apply a drop of tea tree oil with the help of cotton ball to mole and cover it with a bandage overnight. its anti-bacterial drying properties reduce the size of the mole over time.
Frankincense oil, take 1-2 drops of frankincense oil with carrier oil such as jojoba oil, or almond oil then apply to the mole, do this process twice a day as frankincense oil has skin regeneration ability.
Jojoba oil, take a few drops of jojoba carrier oil on a cotton swab and apply on blackhead-prone areas leave for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
1- Jojoba oil will dissolve excess oil and unclog pores.
2- Rosehip oil, take a few drops of rosehip oil like moisturizer after cleansing. vitamin A present in jojoba oil can help reduce the appearance of blackheads.
Age spots:
Lemon essential oil, take a few drops of lemon oil with carrier oil like almond oil and apply to age spots daily before bedtime.
1- Argan oil, take a few drops of argan oil and massage your age spots regularly. rich anti-oxidants of argan oil fade your dark spots and make the skin elastic.
2- Rosehip oil, its anti-oxidant and vitamin C content fades dark spots and improves skin’s elasticity.
Also Read: Popular Natural Butters for Healthy Skin
DIY: Remedies for Mole, Dark Spots and BLACKHEADS
DIY mole lightening recipe:
Take 1 spoon of castor oil and ½ spoon of flaxseed oil blend the mixture and apply on moles, leave it for a few hours
DIY recipe for dark spots:
Take 3 drops of lemon oil for skin whitening, 1 spoon rosehip oil to reduce pigmentation, 2 drops tea tree oil,1 spoon jojoba oil, mix all the oils then swab a cotton ball and apply on affected areas.
1- Take 2 spoons of jojoba oil,1 spoon of tea tree oil, and 1 spoon of castor oil combine the oils, clean your face with a gentle cleanser then massage with the mixture on blackhead areas leave it for 10-15 minutes then rinse with water.
2- For better results try this recipe twice a week.
3- Tips for Safe Use diluted essential oil and do a patch test before application on large areas and if you have sensitive skin.
4- Natural remedies make your skin more sensitive to sunlight so always use sunscreen when you go outside.

What to Buy Natural Glowing Oils?
Want to buy glowing oils then you can order from us @ we are a renowned company of natural oils, and we collect raw materials from Indian farmers to give you the best quality products. we have customers from more than 110 plus countries. we make products as per food, pharma, and cosmetic grades. Companies use our products in their product formulations like our oils are used by:
1- Cosmetics industry in creams, lotions moisturizers
2- The pharmaceutical industry used in medicines, supplements, pain relief sprays and balms, and insect repellants.
3- The food industry used food and beverages to enhance the flavor of their drinks and dishes.