Start Your Days with Natural pain relievers like Nutmeg, Camphor & Thymol
Camphor, Thymol, and nutmeg oil have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that make them helpful in managing pain relief. Let’s know how they contribute.
- Gives cooling sensation by warmth to soothe pain
- Used for joint, muscle, and back pain.
Take a few drops with 1 tbsp. of carrier oil and rub on the affected area. Do not use on broken skin
Let’s first know what is Thymol.
It is a thyme essential oil compound used in traditional medicines like anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-viral agents. For the upper respiratory system. It is monoterpene phenol from thymus Bulgaria a variety of thyme plants and extracts from thymol have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and warming properties to enhance blood circulation and soothe muscles.
Scientific name and extraction process:
Thymus vulgaria, Extract through the pressurized liquid extraction method.
- Beneficial for cramps sprains sore muscles.
- Reduce swelling, joint inflammation
How to use: Take a few drops with carrier oil and apply on the affected area or use in bath water for body soak
What is Nutmeg oil?:
It is the volatile essential oil of nutmeg. It contains eugenol and myristicin that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Extract from dried kernels (seeds) of myristica fragrans.
Scientific name and extraction process
Myristica fragrans by steam distillation process.
- Promote better sleep.
- reduce swelling
- Boost digestion, and improve heart health.
How to use: Take 3-5 drops of nutmeg oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, then massage on the affected area.
What is Camphor?:
A waxy colorless solid with strong aroma found in camphor laurel which is an evergreen tree found in East Asia. It has compounds like cineole and limonene. It can also be formed synthetically from turpentine oil.
Scientific name and extraction process:
Cinnamomum camphora is extracted through cold pressing of the wood of the laurel tree.
- Reduce swelling soothes inflamed tissues, and alleviate stiffness.
How to use: take 5 to 7 grams of camphor crystals with a carrier oil like coconut oil, and massage in a circular motion on affected areas.
After using this natural camphor, use a warm compress for deep relief.
DIY Blend for Pain Relief with Camphor, Thymol Crystals and Nutmeg Oil
Take 2 -2 drops of all 3 oils nutmeg oil, camphor, and fresh and natural Thymol with carrier oil like sesame oil, or castor oil, and massage twice a day on affected areas.
Relaxation Blend:
Take 3 to 5 Gms camphor, 3 drops nutmeg oil 2 drops lavender oil with 1 tbsp. of carrier oil massage the blend after a workout for muscle spasms.
Tips for Safe Usage:
• Skin-friendly, essential oils are potent, and can irritate to avoid these irritations always dilute the oil with a carrier oil.
• Use all the oils with precautions with children’s camphor can be toxic if taken in big amounts or ingested.
• Ingestion none of these essential oils should be ingested unless under the guidance professional healthcare provider.
Also Read: Aloe Vera Products Uses for Joint Pain Know How

From Where to Buy Pain Relievers Nutmeg, Camphor and Thymol?
Want to buy joint, muscle, and therapeutic purpose pain reliever oils, then you can directly buy from AOS products @ https// or through middlemen sellers like Flipkart, amazon, and eBay. To arrange the best quality products for our users all over the country we buy raw materials directly from Indian farmers. Any further help or you have any inquiry about how to use this combination or any commercial inquiry, we are available at