About Calendula Oil

About Calendula Oil
Posted on 2022-05-10

What is Calendula Oil? Read its 8 Surprising Benefits

It is a natural oil extracted from the marigold flowers, it belongs to family Asteraceae. It is a native of southwestern Asia. It has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known as a medicinal plant. It contains saponins, sterols, phenolic acids, lipids, carotenoids, and Flavonoids. The pleiotropic properties of this plant are stimulant, wound healing, anti-ulcer, anti-HIV, immune-internally, Calendula Oil is also used for peptic and duodenal ulcers, spasms of the GI tract, mucous membrane inflammations, dysmenorrhea especially in nervous or anemic women, splenic and hepatic inflammations.

Health benefits of calendula oil?
1• It has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, so helps to heal small wounds cuts, and skin infections like eczema, psoriasis.
2• It also has a sedative effect; calendula was shown to increase hex barbital sleeping time.
3• It is also useful in treating internal burns like ulcers, heartburn, and irritable bowel syndrome. It increases the digestive issue by treating the gut wall.
4• It has antibacterial properties, which fights with cold and flu, helps to treat cough or congestion.
5• It moisturizes and nourishes dry skin. It makes the skin shiny.
6• It is also used to treat baby rashes and skin irritation.
7• It has an antioxidant effect on the skin, it protects the skin from wrinkles, and prevents the sign of aging.
8• It also works as a lip balm and makes the lips soft.

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How to Use Calendula Oil for Wound & Body Lotion?

We can use calendula as a tea. We can add few drops of oil in boiling water. It can be used as a mouth rinse or used to treat sore throat, wounds in the mouth.
• As an oil:
It can be used topically as oil; it has topical medicinal use.it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is used to heal the wound.
• As cream and ointment:
We can also mix few drops of oil in your regular body lotions and cream.
• Calendula extract:
Extract from the calendula flower be used in deodorant and body lotion.

Is Calendula Oil being Good for Skin?

Calendula oil is used as an anti-inflammatory for the skin, it prevents your body's release of histamines, which is the main cause of skin redness, pain, allergies. It is also used to treat acne and helps in reducing swelling due to acne. Due to the presence of linoleic acid in calendula oil, it moisturizes the skin, it also nourishes your skin.

It makes the skin smooth and soft, due to the presence of flavonoids, it works as a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin from free radicals which are the main cause of wrinkles and skin aging. It also helps to reduce the hyperpigmentation and scars of the skin. It cleans the pore of skin and tones skin.

Is Calendula Oil being Good for Hairs?
Calendula oil is used to treat dandruff and treat scalp infections, it helps to grow more hair follicles and gives strength to the hair follicles, due to its antioxidant properties it protects the cell from free radical damage. It promotes the hair growth. It heals the damaged skin on the scalp and helps in hair growth. It gives color to your hairs works as a natural dye for hairs, rinsing your hairs with calendula tea gives color to the hairs, it makes the hairs golden brown without side effects.

Where to Buy Calendula Oil online

Retail user's can purchase natural oils here!

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