Citronella Oil Where to Buy

Citronella Oil Where to Buy
Posted on 2024-08-21

Know all About Citronella Oil, How to Make and More

Citronella oil is extracted from the long leaves and stems of the citronella plant. Ceylon and Java are the two varieties of Citronella. The chemical composition of citronella oil is Camphene, Citronellal, Dipentene (Limonene), Geraniol, Nerol, Methyl Eugenol, borneol, Thujyl alcohol, and Geranyl acetate.

Citronella Oil relieves spasms and gas, relieving abdominal pain, coughing, and menstrual cramps. It also helps to boost immunity, enhances skin health, reduces symptoms of cold, flu, and fever, promotes weight loss, boosts metabolism and digestion, eases joint pain and inflammation, and maintains the health of the heart.

How to Extract Citronella Essential Oil?
It is extracted from the long leaves and stems of the citronella plant by steam distillation in AOS Products Company.

Color: colorless to pale yellow in color.
Botanical Name: Cymbopogon.

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Citronella Oil in Cosmetic Industries for Skin and Acne

- It is used in many cosmetics products such as natural perfumes, deodorants, body sprays, and bath blends. It has the ability to boost the healing of skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and dermatitis.
- Citronella Essential Oil is also beneficial for skin damage caused by exposure to UV radiation and its ability to slow down the signs of aging. This excellent oil is also good for oily hair, dead skin, and dandruff.

8 Excellent Uses and Benefits of Citronella Oil. Where to Buy It Online?

Citronella Oil Benefits

  1. It helps to relieve spasms and gas, coughing, abdominal pain, and mensuration cramps.
  2. It reduces the symptoms of cold, flu, and fever.
  3. It helps to promote weight loss.
  4. It helps to ease joint pain inflammation and also maintains the health of the heart.
  5. This incredible oil helps to treat skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and acne.
  6. It is also beneficial for skin damage caused by the sun (UV radiation).
  7. It also helps to slow down the signs of aging.
  8. It can cleanse the scalp and oily hair, dead skin, dirt, and dandruff.
Buy Citronella Oil Online

Retail user's can purchase natural oils here!

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