All About Cedarwood Oil

All About Cedarwood Oil
Posted on 2022-05-14

What is the Cedarwood Oil?

Cedarwood oil is also known as Tibetan Cedarwood; the oil is obtained from the steam distillation of the wood of cedar wood tree. It is originated from the USA. It is colorless to pale yellow in color, the aroma of the oil is sweet and woody. It is mostly used in aromatherapy, it is used in room freshener, prevent the insect. Cedarwood oil is used to soothe the irritation and skin rashes. It has antibacterial properties so used to treat skin issues like acne, dry skin and wound healing. It has Antispasmodic, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Sedative, Tonic, Insecticidal, Soothing and Calming properties.

What is Cedarwood oil Used for?
It has many therapeutic properties. It has many anti-inflammation, anti-fungal, anti-seborrheic, astringent, detoxifying, antioxidant and restorative properties.
• Cedarwood oil soothe irritation, itchiness as well as dryness.
• It helps to control sebum production, prevent the acne.
• Due to its antioxidant properties helps to prevent the aging process by controlling the free radicals responsible for aging.
• It also helps in hairs growth by tighten the hair follicles, it also helps to prevents the hair loss.
• It also protects the body from harmful bacteria, it also helps in muscle aches, joint pain and fasten the wound healing.
• It also helps to regulate the menstruation and stimulate the blood circulation.
• Cedarwood oil is used in cosmetic or in skin care product due to its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-seborrheic and astringent properties.
• It is good for soothing respiratory problems like cough, bronchitis.
• It also helps to eliminate the physical stress, and helps to relax the body.
• Cedar wood oil has aphrodisiac effect, it uplifts the mood and also has warming effect on body.
• It is a popular ingredient in perfume.

Is Cedar Wood Oil a Natural Bug Repellent?

➢The cedar wood oil is obtained from the leaves and wood of the tree, it belongs to family Cupressaceae, it is used to repel moths and biting pests and fleas.
➢It is the natural way to control the insect. its defense mechanism to protect them from insect and animal attack.
➢It is a non-toxic natural insecticide, it also helps to repel termites, ants, moths, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.
➢It can be added to standing water to prevent the laying of eggs by insect.
➢The oil is also used in collars, patches. It also used as insect repellent in the form of wood chips and balls. The candle made by cedarwood are also available in market for repelling insect both outdoor and indoor.

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How to Use Cedarwood Oil on Face?

➥ Cedarwood oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
➥ It is used to treat acne, it also has an antioxidant property which is used to treat symptoms of aging, it prevents the free radicals which are responsible for cell damage.
➥ It also prevents skin infection due to the presence of antimicrobial effects.
➥ We can take 5 drops of cedarwood oil and mix it with a carrier oil and then apply on your face and leave it for 30 minutes, you can do this twice a week.

Where to Buy Cedarwood Oil Online

Retail user's can purchase natural oils here!

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