Artemisia Oil

Artemisia Oil

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This unique oil is extracted from Artemisia absinthium and belongs to Asteraceae (Compositae) family, an herbaceous plant, a perennial plant with fibrous roots. It is widely cultivated in Canada and the Northern States. It is naturalized in some areas away from its native range, including much of North America and the Kashmir Valley of India. We are the Most Reliable, Reputable, and Trusted Artemisia Oil Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters in India. Write us for the product specifications, Check our business Certificates. And If you have any Commerical Orders, Inquiry Now at:

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Artemisia Oil (Food Grade, Pharma Grade, Cosmetic Grade):
It is extracted from Artemisia absinthium and belongs to the Asteraceae (Compositae) family, an herbaceous plant, a perennial plant with fibrous roots. It is widely cultivated in Canada and the Northern States. It is naturalized in some areas away from its native range, including much of North America and the Kashmir Valley of India.

know the Common Names of this Incredible Oil:
It is also known as Green ginger, armoise, wormwood, and absinthium.

Extraction Process (How to Make?):
Artemisia oil is extracted from leaves, twigs, and flowering tops of Artemisia plants by steam distillation methods.

Chemical Composition:
The main components of artemisia oil are ±-thujone, -thujone, sabinene, myrcene, trans-sabinol, trans- Sabinyl acetate, linalyl acetate, and geranyl propionate.

7 health and medicinal Benefits and Uses:

  1. It has many medicinal benefits.
  2. It helps in the breakdown of food and neutralizes excess acids in the stomach, thereby facilitating digestion and giving relief from problems like acidity (Know About Ginger oil also useful to reduce Acidity), and ulcers caused due to prolonged acidity and acidosis respectively.
  3. It helps to open obstructed menstruation due to its good quality of stimulation.
  4. It has febrifuge & vermifuge properties due to its thujone component which helps to fight infections as it kills microbes and inhibits their growth.
  5. It acts as a tonic as it tones up organic systems, digestion, circulation & excretory system, and also tones up the endocrine system & immune systems.
  6. It is used to treat anorexia, insomnia, anemia, a lack of appetite, flatulence, stomach aches, and jaundice.
  7. It serves as an insecticide and insect repellent and is also used in sprays, vaporizers, and fumigants.

Safety and Precautions:

It acts as a neurotoxin so avoid large doses as it causes nervous afflictions, convulsions, restless, impulsive behavior, and even death. Prolonged use of Artemisia oil can result in damage to the brain & nervous system and in insanity.

Where to Buy Artemisia Oil or Wormwood Oil?
It is one of our superior oils that are most used in the Perfumery Industry if you are looking for this amazing oil as per Food Grade and highest quality, now you are at the right place; AOS Products is one of the professional manufacturers and exporters in Delhi region India.

If you are a Common user of Artemisia oil and want to learn How to make wormwood oil then our expert can help you. Come to know how to make wormwood extract from its genuine plants. For more call or drop an email for support to your queries, thanks to shop with us!!

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