Know About Tea Tree Oil : Health Beneifts, How to Use and More
Tea Tree oil was first extracted from MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA in Australia and this species
remains the most important plantation that began to produce large quantities of tea tree oil from Melaleuca Alternifolia .Tea tree oil has powerful antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds. AOS Tea tree oil is an ingredient in many topic formulations that are used to treat infections and it's marketed as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent in Australia, Europe, and North America. You can also find tea trees in a variety of household and cosmetic products.
EXTRACTION METHOD - Tea tree oil is generally extracted by distillation
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Know Tea tree Oil Botanic Name, Properties and More
PHYSICAL CHARACTER- Melaleuca Alternifolia is a small tree about 7m (20ft) long with a bushy crown and whitish papery bark. The leaves are arranged alternately sometimes scattered or whorled. The leaves are smooth soft linear in shape.
BOTANICAL NAME- Melaleuca alternifolia
FAMILY- Myrtaceae
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - The major constituents of commercial 770 are terpene-4-ol, y-terpinene,8-cineole, alpha-terpineol, p-cymene, and alpha-pinene. Fresh tea tree oil is weak to moderate sensitizer but oxidation increases its allergenic potency.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Variuos Health Problems. Know Other Essential Benefits for Cosmetic, Aromatic and Pharma
1. Dry skin and eczema
Tea tree oil can help soothe dry skin by reducing itching and irritation.
HOW TO USE?- Mix a few drops of the oil into a small amount of moisturizer or carrier oil and apply this mixture to the affected areas.
The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil may contribute to its ability to combat oily skin
HOW TO USE? - Mix a few drops of the oil into your toner moisturizer or sun cream you can add two drops of tea tree oil to bentonite clay to make a mask.
3. ITCHY SKIN- The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil make it useful in relieving the discomfort of itchy skin.
HOW TO USE?- Mix a few drops of tea tree oil into a moisturizer or carrier oil and apply it to your skin a few times per day.
The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil make it an effective wound healer.
Tea Tree Oil How to Use
Add one drop of AOS Tea Tree Oil with a wound ointment cream and apply as directed throughout the day.
You can use this incredible oil to treat dandruff by removing chemicals and dead skin cells from the scalp.
Apply a mixture of tea tree oil and carrier oil to your hair and scalp, allow it to stay in your hairs for 20 minutes then use a tea tree oil shampoo that contains 5% tea tree oil. Massage it into your scalp and hair for a few minutes before rinsing.
6. ACNE-
Tea tree oil is a popular choice for treating acne because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
Dilute 3 drops of AOS Tea Tree Oil into 2 ounces of witch hazel and use it as a toner throughout the day.
Tree oil is useful in the treatment of psoriasis such as infection and inflammation while boosting immunity.
Dilute 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil into a small amount of carrier oil and gently apply it to the affected area several times a day.
Pure Tea tree oil is extremely important in modern medicine because antibiotic resistance may lead to treatment failure increasing healthcare costs and the spread of infection control. It helps to relieve congestion and respiratory tract infections.
Tea tree oil works as a natural remedy for acne and other inflammatory skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis. It can be used to soothe sunburn, sores, and insect bites.
Diffuse tea tree oil throughout your home using an oil diffuser.
DENSITY-------0.898/ml25C (lit)
REFRACTIVE INDEX----n20/D1.478(lit)
STORAGE TEMP---2-8 degrees C
BOILING POINT----165C(lit)
Where to Buy Tea Tree Oil Online